Well, as promised, here's the next post about my working experience at SMK Kepong. I was working there for about 3 months, and i had a really fun time. Especially thanks to my 4 makmur class for being the most sporting and most co-operative class !!
Hmm, STPM was over somewhr in December. and i needed a job while waiting for my result. so, there i sent one sms to Pn.Aiza, who's the school PK1, but alot like a mother to me at school. she has helped me HEAPS and i dont know how i can ever re-pay her. i told her i wanted a job at school, and ta-da~ i got accepted to teach a bunch of form 4 kids Sejarah and Moral AND i was given charge of the Debate team.
Debate and I go waay back together. haha.. i was the team captain, then the team coach, and this year, the teacher in charge. its practically IMPOSSIBLE to separate debate and me. u want proof, well, dis post was supposed to b about my class students. but somehow, debate got dragged in xD.. i guess its the bond me and debate have~ LOL
Getting the job offer was great. wat i considered as the bonus was 2 things.
1) i was working in the morning session. (peisha and srijesh said it was impossible to get the morning shift as the principal will not allow)
2) getting and air-conditioned room and access to the school library !!!
So, my 3 months in school made me see school life in the teacher's point of view. i understood why teacher's chase after each single period that belongs to them. finishing the syllabus is hard. as i student, i loved assembly b'coz dat means no 1st and 2nd period most of the time. as i teacher, i hated assembly for robbing me of those precious moments (i wudnt b complaining if assembly robbed me of 4 Cekap instead >.<)
The most fun i had in my working experience was definitely debate, and my favourite 4 Makmur. if i had not been given 4 makmur, my school working life would have been a total bore~ really wished that i could have had more time with them. ^_^
Anyways, on my last day, they all had a small farewell party for me. it was touching. more touching than that was their parting gift to me.. and the most touching of all, was, one of my students actually cried. made my heart break to see her cry so hard.
4 makmur, wish u all the best for your coming exams and SPM ! thank you for everything. my blessing is always with all of you :)
reach the class door
''cut the ribbon'' (with my hand )

enter the class *notice confetti on floor*
message on board
whole class
girls only
whole class again
another whole class
whole class~
boys only~
~the girls who love to go out~