Watch dis video till the end.It has a short msg at the end.Wat a coincidence
I found this clip for my blog.
P.S. The people I'm gonna miss are below~
Watch dis video till the end.It has a short msg at the end.Wat a coincidence
I found this clip for my blog.
P.S. The people I'm gonna miss are below~
Chai Yee Ling
Aah..Yee Ling.She has been my classmate ever since Form 1. How the both of us became friends is still clear in my mind.Our first meeting lead to an arguement.She started calling me stupid.All because i was supporting my friend,Nasafi who went up against her as she took his bicycle keys. WTH~. Anyway..after the exams,she did outsmart me,but she realised that i wasn't as stupid of a fool as she first realised.We went for debate auditions together for three years in a row,ever since Form 3. Although she didn't make the cut..She found her place in the School Drama. When she became the class monitor this year,everyone regarded her as the class mother.That's cuz she really behaved like a mother. Caring and annoying ( She forced me to finish the salad and tong yuen she served me at her gathering). All in all..She is a friend that I most definitely am gonna miss. Take care my friend. Wish you all the best for your future plans.Keep in touch. We will always be friends.
Chan Chee Pang
This dude amazes me. I first met him at Pusat Tuisyen Cekap back when I was in Form 1. At that time..boy was he fat. But now..He turned into a hunk dat made it to Shasha's Top 15 sexy people list! He has a band and he plays the drums. Joined the School Drama which saw us emerging as runner-up in the Gombak District. Although we did not spend much time together as friends..his jokes made a permanent mark in me. Especially his 'Pau Joke'. Dude,remember to keep in touch.God bless you and I'm gonna miss you. LOL. Take care man.Wish you all the best in life.
The cheerful 'Monkey King' of legend; an unholy child born from the rocks where the aura of the Earth was gathered.Though he does have demonic powers, he is not a demon. He was born from the Earth and presented as a gift to the gods early in his life. Because of the crimes he committed when he was young, he was imprisoned in the rocks for five hundred years without aging with no memories of what had happened. Sanzo eventually sets him free after hearing him calling, thought his main goal was just to quiet him. He is constantly hungry due to being locked away for so long. He is apparently very good in mahjong too. His original form, known as "Seiten Taisei" or "Great Sage, Equal to Heaven", is revealed when his golden diadem is removed or broken. While in his original form, Goku possesses greater durability where injuries that were deadly to him before were for the most part harmless, power (once bending Gojyo's shakujo just by grabbing it) and speed (he generally moves too fast for other characters to even see him). However, he also completely lacks reason, self-control, and the ability to discern friend from foe. The only ones capable of recreating the diadem are the gods and Sanzo. Goku, knowing what he becomes, only takes it off willingly when completely necessary, while other times it had broken due to emotional distress and by Hakkai to prevent him from dying.
Best friends
3. Five impressions of her
Enthusiastic, charming, friendly, smart, caring
4. The most memorable thing she has done for you
5. Most memorable thing she has said to you
Thank You
6. If she becomes your lover, you will?
Most unlikely to happen..dun bother askin~
7. If she becomes your lover, thing she has to improve on would be
It's never gonna happen..4get about it
8. If she become your enemy, you will
Dis is even MORE unlikely to happen than she being my lover
9. What is it you want to tell her now?
There's jus soo many things to talk bout~
10. Your overall impression on her is?
A wonderful person
11. How do you think people around you will feel?
Feel about what..?
12. What do you love about yourself?
13. What do you hate about yourself?
My intelligence is still very poor.. *sobs*
14. The most ideal person you want to be.
A rich and famous scientist.
15. For people who love and care for you, say something to them
I love and care for you too.I'd do anything to stay by your side and help you always.
16. Tag ten people
Hmm...I don't have 10buddies yet.I'll jus tag a few
2) Pei sha
3) Ken Lam
4) Anthony
5) Ying Ci
6) Zachary
7) Chee Jian
17. Who is 6 having a relationship with?
LOL~ Ken Lam perhaps..??
18. What is 2 studying about?
19. When was the last time you had a chat with 3?
It's been a long time..
20. Does 1 have any siblings?
21. Will you woo 3?
OMG..Definitely no..I'm not gay!
22. How about 7?
OMG...not again..NO!
23. Is 4 single?
I'm not sure...Maybe
24. What is the surname of 5?
25. Where is 2 studying at?
26. Talk about something for 1
He's a heck of a worthy friend!
27. What colour does 4 like?
Hmm...i really dunno..
28. Are 1 and 5 best friends?
Not best..just friends
29. Does 6 have any pets?
Yes..a dog named Jimpo~
30. Is 7 the sexiest person in the world?
NO...Definitely not
I hung up the phone tonight
Something happened for the first time
Deep inside it was a rush, what a rush
Cause the possibility
That you would ever feel the same way
About me It's just too much, just too much
I'm laughing my ass out after dis post~!
I wonder why..??