A month ago,I heaved a huge sigh of relieve.SPM was finally over.The war has ended.Now...I am again heaving another HUGE sigh.Why?? Sumtin extremely valuable has been deprieved from me.I've been deprivied of my chance to return to high school..The best schooling life! The experience and memories are definitely not to be forgotten.School has always been like a first home to me.A place for me to bond and enjoy with my friends.Make jokes and teasing teachers. School life did not stop just a school.It was brought till out of school. Tuition classes was another place where we friends enjoyed life.I'm sure gonna miss walking home from tuition or school with my friends.The classroom was always a world of it's own. There were the bookworms,a computer, a calculator,the perfectionist,the drama people,teacher's favourites and us slackers. Academic achievement isn't all that we fight for.There's always glory in winning any competitions.Some of the unforgettable memories from school are cheating during exams and even playing "hide-a

nd-seek" with the discipline teacher.Most students are afraid of their teachers.However..To all the English teachers at S.M.K.Kepong..u guys are the 'bomb'.There was never a dull moment with the English teachers.Boy do they how to have fun..Cutting classes was another thrill of school life. Plus,there was always practices for competitions..These practices are actually our tickets to cutting classes as we have loads of fun during practice.The best part of school is definitely friends.If friends are absent..the entire class turns to a mortuary and I turn into a zombie... lol~. Not to forget

..the best time of school life is when out during competitions or field trips. Everyone runs loose enjoying their time to the max.Oooh..I almost forgot. SPM preparation was another unforgettable experience.The stress and the adrenaline rush seemed troublesome.But when u look back at it now..I seem to miss it.It gave a certain thrill n livelyness. Well..sumthing has been taken away from me...Now,there's an empty part in my life with pieces of memories giving it some 'live'. I'm definitely gonna miss my friends and the times we've spent together. I surely will cherish the moments together.High school was one of the best thing that ever happened to me. The memories shall last forever.
Watch dis video till the end.It has a short msg at the end.Wat a coincidence
I found this clip for my blog.
P.S. The people I'm gonna miss are below~
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