Sano can change towels into iron by holding his breath, however sharp-eyed fans can see that sometimes it appears to be voice-activated instead. But after he gives the commands, he is sometimes left with a second or two to stop breathing in. Sano, a 9th grader at Inaho Junior High School, was known as the Genius of Robert's Ten while he was part of it. But he had joined because the leader of Robert's Ten had placed a Death Pentagon on Sano's King of the Celestial World Candidate Inumaru that would kill him by removing all his blood unless he listened to Robert. Sano can be creative with his power, creating shields, springboards and even boomerangs which he calls "boomerang cutter". He has a burn over his left eye which was caused during an accident with a hot spring. Still, he does love those hot springs and hopes to get the blank talent to obtain the talent of discovery in order to find a hot spring of his own.
His Level 2 makes his steel towels into powerful magnets. Seems to possess a ridiculous amount of his necessary towels, pulling them out of his robe in rapid succession.He is a very courageous teammate and cares for his friends dearly.

Kosuke Ueki is the main character in the series. Ueki's ability is given to him by Kobayashi, who is also Ueki's homeroom teacher. His level 2 power is to undo the opponent's power. He can use more than one sacred treasure weapon at the same time. Ueki is an unusually calm individual, and doesn't care about what happens to him. He can be found snoozing in class, letting children use him as a target for shooting soccer balls (or in one case, a surfboard),and also calling the police without panicking when he faces a gang of rowdy teenagers. However, he cares for people around them, even going as far as saving his enemy, Robert Haydn from falling debris in the Dogura Mansion. Ueki is a genuinely kind person who is always trying to help people. Ueki is actually a heavenly being sent to Earth by his father in order to take part in this tournament. Being a heavenly being allows him powers beyond his tree-making skills. He is a bit of a simpleton who constantly uses his ability against non-gifted, but that is because he just can't stand seeing these nasty folks defying his sense of justice. Even though he constantly loses his talents (and gains fairly useless ones when he wins), he believes that he can still make do by putting even more effort into succeeding.Ueki has an extremely strong sense of justice and will go any distance to protect the innocent and his friends.

Train Heartnet, also known as "Black Cat", is a sweeper partnered with Sven. Train is a lighthearted, courageous man who's highly skilled with a gun. He seems to enjoy tormenting Sven and tightening their already small budget as low-paid sweepers by his exaggerated food consumption. Some of Train's distinguishing features are his spiky brown ruffled hair, his catlike slitted eyes, a choker with a tiny bell attached to it, and the XIII tattoo he has on his chest. He has low alcohol tolerance, but loves to drink milk. He is also skilled at disguises, can sleep anywhere, even inside a cramped porcelain vase, and tends to be clueless about most other important things. He is originally part of Chronos, as a ruthless assassin and Number XIII of the group. He wields Hades, an ornate black revolver made out of Orihalcum with a XIII engraved into its side. He is called a "bringer of bad luck", but is known to leave women and children unharmed, and is called "naive" by many of the Chronos numbers. This personality stems from being orphaned after Zaguine Axeloake kills his parents, which causes Zaguine to take Train in and teach him how to kill with effiency. Zaguine eventually dies, and tells Train that he needs to be the best in order to survive. He eventually meets Saya, a carefree sweeper, who slowly changes Train into a "stray cat" that doesn't blindly follow orders. He decides not to kill anymore, and after Creed kills Saya, he leaves to become a sweeper. Train possesses 20/10 vision in both eyes, which allows him greater sight that normal people. He is an extremely skilled marksman, able to accurately shoot down bullets from other guns, and make a number of bullets hit at exactly the same time. He can also shoot a number of bullets while in the air to accelerate him into a spinning slash, "Black Claw", that leaves three large slash marks. He also uses specialty bullets created by Sven, including the Burst Bullet, which produces an extremely large amount of damage, bullets that freeze opponents, and bullets that paralyze opponents. His gun is made out of the strongest metal on Earth, which allows him to use the gun to deflect bullets and guard against other attacks. When his body becomes infected with nanomachines that cause static electricity, he becomes able to focus the energy into the gun, and shoot energy blasts that amount to a railgun.

Sasuke is one of the few survivors of the Uchiha Clan, one of the most powerful clans of the Leaf Village. He is the number one rookie genin and is considered a genius. Sasuke has a very mysterious and bloody past, and his only goal in life is revenge. Sasuke is a dark and serious kid. This makes him look cool to all of the girls in his class, but he doesn't care about that. Sasuke only cares about revenge, and to do this he needs to become strong, very strong. The exact reason for his lust for vengeance is still unknown, but it does have something to do with his elder brother and parents. His father and Mother along with the entire Uchiha clan other than Sasuke were murdured by his older brother Itachi. Sasuke has sworn to take revenge and kill Itachi. He was willing to do anything to get enough power to do so. Sasuke is teamed up with Naruto and Sakura. At first Sasuke wasn't to happy about his little group, with Sakura having a huge crush on him and Naruto being the number one loudest ninja of the Leaf Village. But after some life and death battles they fought together Sasuke came to respect them. Especially Naruto, at first Sasuke thougt of Naruto as a loser, but then Naruto saved his life in the battle against Haku and Zabuza. Naruto defeated an enemy Sasuke himself couldn't handle. His pride was hurt, but he started to respect Naruto and started seeing him as his rival rather then some useless loser. Because Sasuke is a descendant of the Uchiha Clan he possesses it's Bloodline. This gives him the ability to use the Sharingan. With his Sharingan, Sasuke is able to see through an opponent's strategy and counter it. He is also able to copy moves with it and improve them, like he did with one of Lee's TaiJutsu moves. If you ad up the fact that Sasuke was already a very talented ninja even before he could use his Sharingan, you have a very powerful ninja who improves really fast and has even greater potential.

Kurogane used to be a 'ninja' who worked as a bodyguard in the Shirasagi castle of the Japan Empire. He was under the orders of the miko princess Tomoyo, younger sister of the empress. One night, after killing all the men who invaded the castle, Tomoyo summoned him and showed him her disappointment about his violent ways. Kurogane is the strongest warrior, perhaps the best swordsman in the empire. No one there can win him over a fight. Therefore, the princess decides as a punishment to send him far away, in a journey, so he learns the real meaning of strength. Also, she casts a spell on him his force will decrease in inverse proportion to the number of persons he kills from now on. With her magical powers, Tsukiyomi sends a very angry Kurogane to another dimension. He lands on a garden, rain falling over him. He finds himself surrounded by strangers, two teenagers, a boy holding to a sleeping girl, a fair-haired man with a heavy coat and a golden staff, and a mysterious woman in a black and white dress. Soon he learns a couple of things. The woman is a witch, the place is a shop to grant wishes, the world is also called Japan but it's different, and the only one who can help him to return home is said witch. However, the boy, Syaoran needs to find the girl, Sakura's memories through the dimensions and the other man Fay wants to get away from his own world. Four persons, the same expensive wish, to travel. Yuuko, the witch, proposes a deal. If everyone can pay her their most important possession, they can travel and handle the price all together. Kurogane is forced to hand out his sword, Ginryuu (Silver Dragon), to which he holds an emotional attachment. He obtained a new sword in Ōto called the Sōhi, and taught Syaoran the skills of sword fighting and sensing attacks from the left.

The cheerful 'Monkey King' of legend; an unholy child born from the rocks where the aura of the Earth was gathered.Though he does have demonic powers, he is not a demon. He was born from the Earth and presented as a gift to the gods early in his life. Because of the crimes he committed when he was young, he was imprisoned in the rocks for five hundred years without aging with no memories of what had happened. Sanzo eventually sets him free after hearing him calling, thought his main goal was just to quiet him. He is constantly hungry due to being locked away for so long. He is apparently very good in mahjong too. His original form, known as "Seiten Taisei" or "Great Sage, Equal to Heaven", is revealed when his golden diadem is removed or broken. While in his original form, Goku possesses greater durability where injuries that were deadly to him before were for the most part harmless, power (once bending Gojyo's shakujo just by grabbing it) and speed (he generally moves too fast for other characters to even see him). However, he also completely lacks reason, self-control, and the ability to discern friend from foe. The only ones capable of recreating the diadem are the gods and Sanzo. Goku, knowing what he becomes, only takes it off willingly when completely necessary, while other times it had broken due to emotional distress and by Hakkai to prevent him from dying.

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