Saturday, August 8, 2009
Law Olympiad Pics

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Love with a touch of Chemistry
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Law Olympiad
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Jus For Laughs
Friday, June 5, 2009
If You're Not The One
Monday, June 1, 2009
Funny Videos
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Kokoro No Wakusei ~ Little Planets
Be there, yet you’re not
I feel nostalgic somewhere
But I’m not lonely
When I’m lost, I recall
The planets that my heart showed
The us from back then were certainly always
Gazing at them in the yonder
What are you doing? Where are you now?
Even if I asked, you wouldn’t give me an answer
But even if we’re separated, we can feel each other; because our encounter
Connects us
What we search for are dreams, at that secret base
The planets that my heart found
Run around the universe in my dreams
If our wishes can be fulfilled, then we’ll certainly be smilin’, and
We’ll look back at the us from back then
Our eyes from back then were planets
Circling around us
The planets of our transparent eyes
Unchanging thoughts are here forever
When I’m lost, I recall
The planets that my heart showed
The us from back then were certainly always
Gazing at them in the yonder
Saturday, May 30, 2009
1. What is your name :Jhothiesvaren
2. A four Letter Word : Joke
3. A boy's Name : Jonathan
4. A girl's Name :Janice
5. An occupation : Jeweler
6. A color : Jade green
7. Something you'll wear : Jade Ring
9. A food : Jackfruit
10. Something found in the bathroom: Jasmine flower perfume
11. A place : Jamaica
12. A reason for being late: Jammed road
13. Something you'd shout : Jiak Sai !
14. A movie title: Jumanji
15. Something you drink: Jasmine tea
16. A musical group : Jack's Mannequin.
17. An animal : Jaguar
18. A street name : Jefferson St.
19. A type of car : Jaguar
20. The title of a song : "Jump" by Van Halen
Tag: Zachary,Jacky,Vernon,Rodney,Azri,Andre,Chew,Chee jian
Monday, May 25, 2009
Here's a story first...
"There were 2 good friends.A guy and a girl.Dis guy has a large collection of marbles while dis girl has a large collection of sweets.One day, the boy decided to trade all of his marbles for d girl's sweets.The girl agreed.But,instead of giving d girl all of his marbles, dis boy kept his one favourite marble for himself.D girl on d other hand gave all opf her sweets to d bot not keeping a single sweet for herself.Dat nite,d boy found it hard to sleep.He kept wondering wether if d girl, like him, kept sum of her sweets for herself.D girl on d other hand cud sleep peacefuly without any doubt as she trusted dat d boy,like her wud hv given all his marbles."
Wat I concluded frm dis story is,parents dun trust their children because dey do not even trust demselves.Dis is wat differentiates why certain parents trust their child while sum do not.Parents hv also went through d process of being a teenager.Therefore, dey to might hv done stupid stuff like skipping school,copying during exam,'lepak-ing' at d mall, smoking, drinking n many more.So,dey noe wat dey hv done in d past and not all parents share with their children wat dey hv done in d past.Neither do all the stories dey told us about dem b true.Now,why parents dun trust their child is fear. D fear of their child, repeating wat dey hv once done in their teenage life.Dey stand by d fact dat 'Prevention is Better Than Cure'. If my dad once skipped school or went out to a pub at nite with his frens, it is only natural for him to think dat i ass his son wud do d same. If my dad was d disciplined type dat rarely did anythn stupid, den he too wud trust me.
So, D reason why parents dun trust their children is simple. D plain truth behind all those excuses is...
Well..dis is only my perception on dis matter.
Friday, May 22, 2009
001. Real Name: Jhothiesvaren
002. Nickname(s): Train Heartnet, Octopus, and one other i'm not mentioning
003. Age: 18 years and 2 months and 8 days
004. Horoscope: Pisces
005. Gender: male
006. Elementary: St.James Kindergarten
007. Primary School: SK Taman Bukit Maluri
008. Secondary School: SMK Kepong
010. Hair Colour: Black, totally
011. Hair Length: Short
012. Loud or Quiet: Depends on d place..prefer quiet if not with frens
013. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans
014. Phone or Camera: Phone
015. Health Freak: Not really
016. Drink or Smoke: None
017. Do you have a crush on someone: Not sure
018. Eat or Drink: Both
019. Piercings: None
020. Tattoos: Not interested
021. Social or Anti-Social: Definitely Social
022. Righty or lefty: Righty
023. First piercing: 5 years old
024. First relationship: Hvn had one
025. First Best Friend: Jonathan
026. First Award: 7 years old - Best standard 1 Student
027. First Kiss: None
028. First Pet: Fishes in my lotus pond
029. First Big Vacation: Langkawi
030. First Love at first sight: Some girl
031. First Big Birthday: Forgot
032. First Surgery: 8 years old - My sis cut my hand with a glass.I needed 5 stitches
033. First sport you joined: Badminton.. forgot when
034. Orange or Apple juice: Apple juice
035. Rock or Rap: Both
036. Country or Screamo: Both
037. N'SYNC or Backstreet boys: Both
038. Britney Spears or Christina Aguilera: Neither
039. Night or Day: Both
040. Sun or Moon: Sun during early mornings n moon during full moon
041. TV or Internet: Definitely Internet!
042. Playstation or Xbox: Preferably Xbox
043. Kiss or hug: Both
044. Iguana or turtle: Neither
045. Spider or bee: Neither
046. Fall or spring: Both are beautiful
047. Limewire or iTunes: Neither
048. Soccer or baseball: Baseball
049. Eating: Anything dats vegetarian and tastes great
050. Drinking: Water
051. Excitement level: Moderate
052. I’m about to: Watch TV.. Do homework..
053. Listening to: Again - Yui
054. Plan for today: Jus let it flow
055. Waiting for: Go Sleep
056. Energy Level: Regular
057. Thinking of someone: Yup
058. Want kids?: Hmm..hvn thought of it
059. Want to get married?: Hopefully
060. When?: When d time is right
061. How many kids do you want: Dun wanna think of it at d moment
062. Any name on the mind: Yes..
063. What did you want to do: Watch anime n listen to songs
065. Mellow future or wild: Mellow - I want a peaceful life
066. Something you would never try: Suicide
067. When do you want to die: Once I've done all dat i hv dreamed of.
068. Lips or Eyes: Eyes..U can tell a person frm their eyes
069. Romantic or Funny?: Both necessary in life
070. Shorter or Taller?: I'm happy with my height
071. Protective or Caring?: Both
072. Romantic or Spontaneous?: Doesn matter
073. Nice Stomach or Nice Arms?: This is a weird question
074. Sensitive or Loud?: Both can b annoying
075. Hook-up or Relationship?: Never Hook-up.Definitely Relationship
076. Trouble Maker or Hesitant?: Neither
077. Muscular or normal: Not too muscular
078. Kissed a stranger: Definitely Not
079. Broken a bone: Does skull count ?
080. Lost glasses or contacts: No
081. Ran away from home: Thought about it...
082. Held a gun/knife for self defence: Never did
083. Killed somebody: NO
084. Broken someone’s heart: Dunno..most probably not.
085. Had your heart broken: Yea...
086. Been arrested: Never
087. Cried when someone died: Not yet
088. Liked a friend more than a friend: YES
089. Yourself: Smart
090. Miracles: With frens n a little help..dey happen
091. Love at first sight: Once..
092. Heaven: I'll visit there someday
093. Santa Claus: An Old fool dat tricks kids
094. Tooth Fairy: An idiotic tale..
095. Kiss in the first date: Sure,why not ?
096. Angels: Good humans with a kind soul dat are dead
097. Is there 1 person you want to be with right now?: Yea
098. Are you seriously happy with where you’re in life now?: Not really..But things can get worse then dis..So i appreciate where i am now..Especially since i hv my frens with me..
099. Do you believe in God?: Yes
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people: Alyssa, Andre, Zachary, Rodney Quek, Chew Kwang Liang, Jacky, Nurazri,Vermon Ow,Ken Lam,Chee jian
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Teacher's Day
18th May was Teacher's Day celebration at my school.Dis year, I became d host during d games event.There were 5 types of games which both teachers and students participated in.
One of d games played was Coconut Bowling.Teachers and students formed teams n bowled using coconuts.It was hilarious to c d coconuts moving off course into other lanes.Our Principles coconut seemed to break every time she rolled it.Dat wud b because she was throwing d coconuts instead.Another exciting game played on dat day was Musical Chair.D funny part about dis game was dat v cud actually c how child-ish even our teachers can b! Pushing each other..trying to pull d chairs to demselves.. moving extremely slowly whn dey are close to a chair..All in all, i think d teachers had a fun time.
Of course,d highlight of d day was d Watermelon Eating Contest.6 teaches competed to c who cud finish a quarter of a watermelon in d fastest time.5 teachers used d spoons provided.But our beloved Disiplin teacher,Mr.Lim Meng did not bother with d spoon at all.All d students were cheering on him and eventually, he did finish his quarter of d watermelon 1st.
After all d games, teachers and students went for their refreshments.D celebration continued with many events such as drama sketch, choral speakin,choir performance and many others.
Finally, at d end of d day, i went out for lunch with a few friends. Zacharry,Pei sha n her brother ryan n a few of his frens.Eating with Zacharry can only mean 1 thing..Non-stop nonsense chatter n d possibility of him nicking ur food.And as usual, Zacharry started with his non-stop nonsense blabber.Me n Pei Sha had to make sure he didn finish his Ice Lemon Tea even b4 his meal arrived or else he wud ask one of us to buy him another drink (he didn bring money).Whn my Ice Kacang n Pei Sha's meal was placed on d table, Zacharry was all "can i hv a taste?".. "can i hv d bun?".."can i hv sum fries?".."are u gona finish dat?"...
It was a really fun day.Spending time at school with teachers n ltr goin out for lunch.I hadn had dis much fun in a very very long time.It's so long i can't even remember when was d last time i had dat much fun..

Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Form 6 Life
After d speech by d principle came in d Form 6 student body aka Persatuan Tingkatan Enam (PTE). Dey welcomed us back,introduced demselves n had a small ice breaking session.Dey even explained some of d things v had to do such as collecting signatures frm 5 Form 6 teachers and all d AJK of d PTE.All in all, d second day wasn as much as boring as d first.
Later in d day, v were all placed into our classes.I and a few others were in L6 Sc1. D school decided to mix all d students randomly into classes instead of clumping all d top students together.But i am grateful as the teachers for my class were said to b d best in their field
Pengajian Am - Pn.Kamisah
Maths - Pn. Lim Boong Ngee
Chemistry - En.Tan Seng Wah
Biology - Pn.Wan Zakiah
D third day of school...aah..here is where all d work started.V had maths homework, a presentation for MUET, and had to get d entire list of Malaysia's ministers for Pengajian Am.All this was on d very forst day.I guess it was to b expected for Form 6.Our first Bio class on friday was a real shocker.D teacher was wexplaining n v were all blurr.A classmate asked d teacher if she cud start wif anythn simpler.D teacher's respond.."dis is d Simpl-EST"
Well..dats all for d time about life in Form 6.It wasn at all dat bad.Its d beginning of sumthn new.My next post will b about Teacher's Day celebration at school which was yesterday (18th May).It was a very different celebration.It was a totally new experience of Teacher's Day for me.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
HELP Debate
It was already 2am when i was done preparing points alone.Got up again at 6 at it was d same routine as d day b4.When it was our turn to debate, v had a shock.D government team neither spoke about surrogacy nor low population.Dey took on a stand sayin dat it was d governments responsibility to care.It was a long winded debate. It ended in us losing dat round due to a late come back n d lack of 'Burden Of Clash' as mentioned by d adjudicator. But it was great. v lost but v had fun n learned alot.v did quite well considering it was our first time participating in dat debate.
That's all for now ppl..I started Form 6 last week..Its been very busy,but fun..will b posting about it soon..mayb next week..
Saturday, March 7, 2009
You are The Hierophant
Divine Wisdom. Manifestation. Explanation. Teaching.
All things relating to education, patience, help from superiors.The Hierophant is often considered to be a Guardian Angel.
The Hierophant's purpose is to bring the spiritual down to Earth. Where the High Priestess between her two pillars deals with realms beyond this Earth, the Hierophant (or High Priest) deals with worldly problems. He is well suited to do this because he strives to create harmony and peace in the midst of a crisis. The Hierophant's only problem is that he can be stubborn and hidebound. At his best, he is wise and soothing, at his worst, he is an unbending traditionalist.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Tagged By Shasha
Friday, February 13, 2009
To You With Love,
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
This Is My True Feelings
It's february..Known as the month of love as Valentine's Day is jus round the corner..Dis is a Japanese song..The english translation is right below the video. A beautiful song bout a guy who jus can't confess his love although he really loves his girl.
(i noe..still early..but wat d heck..enjoy~)
My true feelings for you are just spinning on air,
On the long, sleepless nights, I think of you
continuously shaking speech that moves you to tears
Give me a smile and shiny days, by your smile
So that I can withstand the cold of a frozen night.
Even if my love reaches the breaking point, it won't reach you entirely
Like rain in the middle of summer, the dry, bareness moistens, your smile is bright
Give me a smile and shiny days, don't clear up so quickly!
Because we can overcome any wall that stands in our way.
Whoever we love, these images will reach them, right?
Don't say you can find me, your words are dancing in space.
The further apart you go, the more it hurts me
Give me a smile and nice days,
If only we could meet in an embrace...
Whoever we love, these images will reach them, right?
If only you had said so in your dreams
Even if my love reaches the breaking point, it won't reach entirely
Monday, January 5, 2009
This Is My Life
Do you ever feel like breaking down? Do you ever feel out of place? Like somehow you just don't belong,and no one understands you.Do you ever wanna runaway?Do you lock yourself in your room?With the radio on turned up so loud,That no one hears you screaming.No you don't know what it's like.When nothing feels all right.You don't know what it's like,to be like me.Do you wanna be somebody else?Are you sick of feeling so left out?Are you desperate to find something more,before your life is over?Are you stuck inside a world you hate?Are you sick of everyone around?With their big fake smiles and stupid lies,while deep inside you're bleeding.No one ever lied straight to your face.No one ever stabbed you in the back.You might think I'm happy but I'm not gonna be okay.Everybody always gave you what you wanted.Never had to work it was always there.You don't know what it's like,be hurt,to feel lost,to be left out in the dark.To be kicked when you're down,to feel like you've been pushed around.To be on the edge of breaking down,and no one's there to save you. No you don't know what it's like.This is my life..