18th May was Teacher's Day celebration at my school.Dis year, I became d host during d games event.There were 5 types of games which both teachers and students participated in.
One of d games played was Coconut Bowling.Teachers and students formed teams n bowled using coconuts.It was hilarious to c d coconuts moving off course into other lanes.Our Principles coconut seemed to break every time she rolled it.Dat wud b because she was throwing d coconuts instead.Another exciting game played on dat day was Musical Chair.D funny part about dis game was dat v cud actually c how child-ish even our teachers can b! Pushing each other..trying to pull d chairs to demselves.. moving extremely slowly whn dey are close to a chair..All in all, i think d teachers had a fun time.
Of course,d highlight of d day was d Watermelon Eating Contest.6 teaches competed to c who cud finish a quarter of a watermelon in d fastest time.5 teachers used d spoons provided.But our beloved Disiplin teacher,Mr.Lim Meng did not bother with d spoon at all.All d students were cheering on him and eventually, he did finish his quarter of d watermelon 1st.
After all d games, teachers and students went for their refreshments.D celebration continued with many events such as drama sketch, choral speakin,choir performance and many others.
Finally, at d end of d day, i went out for lunch with a few friends. Zacharry,Pei sha n her brother ryan n a few of his frens.Eating with Zacharry can only mean 1 thing..Non-stop nonsense chatter n d possibility of him nicking ur food.And as usual, Zacharry started with his non-stop nonsense blabber.Me n Pei Sha had to make sure he didn finish his Ice Lemon Tea even b4 his meal arrived or else he wud ask one of us to buy him another drink (he didn bring money).Whn my Ice Kacang n Pei Sha's meal was placed on d table, Zacharry was all "can i hv a taste?".. "can i hv d bun?".."can i hv sum fries?".."are u gona finish dat?"...
It was a really fun day.Spending time at school with teachers n ltr goin out for lunch.I hadn had dis much fun in a very very long time.It's so long i can't even remember when was d last time i had dat much fun..

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