Wednesday, December 10, 2008


(Tagged by Andre)

1)Do you think you are hot?

Yes , I do

2) Upload your favorite picture of yourself

3) Why do you like that picture?

I think that it's kinda cool

4) When was the last time you ate pizza?

Too long that I could remember...

5) The last song you listened to

Crush by david Archuleta

6) What are you doing now besides this?

Chattin with a very good friend

7) What name would you prefer besides yours?

Train Heartnet

8) Name 5 people you wanna tag

a) Andre
b) Ying Ci
c) Ken Lam
d) Chew Kwang Liang
e) Zachary

1) Who is number 1?

Andre Ng Hong Liang.My close friend whom i call big brother.A very
warm and friendly guy. A worthy friend!

2) Who is number 3 having a relationship with?


3) Say something about number 5

Loves his hair~

4) How about number 2?
Ying ci..hmm...She's a sweet friendly girl

5) Who is number 4?
Chew Kwang Liang.An atheist dude with a great
imagination.Thinks out of the box and full of philosophies

Finally.. I finished this tag...Anyone got tagged copy this again and remember to put photos as mine!

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